Company / Origin Story
Helping Everyday People Put More Cash In Their Jeans Trading The Market
TradeSmart University was born in 2009 as a solution for the increasing requests from family and friends asking Josh and his trading buddy how they make money trading. With this community spread out across the country, this community gathered privately in a twice-weekly online meeting to learn the important principles of market forecasting, strategy, and risk management. After those first few lessons, word of the training spread very quickly. Soon, hundreds of new friends were learning to trade. Some may think it’s strange to invest our personal time in the success of other traders, but we believe that when good people have more money they can do even more good things in this world. We’re crazy enough to believe that we can change the world, together!
Join a half million people learning at TradeSmart University
People Trained
Webinars Every Year
Master Traders
Kids Rescued From Trafficking*
* TradeSmart University partners with a covert international operation that actively rescues teenage girls from human trafficking. Once safe, we further support the victim financially through college graduation and safe employment.
We Are Everything You Need To Take Your Trading Up a Notch

Learn to pick winning stocks
Making money is easy once you know how to accurately forecast market movements. Building your skill is both an analytical and creative process. The good news is that there are tools to help you gain important experience quickly. Click to get started.
Master the strategies
Strategy separates the dabblers from the pros. Today's retail trader has a nearly unlimited number of strategies available. We will point out and help you master the ones that matter most for your trading outcome. Click to get started.

Create abundant success
Risk management for your individual trades and your account as a whole is where the pros are separated from the losers. It's true. Making money trading is easy. Keeping it requires you to have (and follow) a risk management plan. Click to get started.